Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero is the highly anticipated new addition to the classic Budokai Tenkaichi series. Inspired by the success of Dragon Ball FighterZ and its competitive esports scene, this game takes the franchise to new heights. With its sleek anime-styled look and the power of Unreal Engine 5, it offers an unparalleled level of immersion and graphical detail. Despite the 'Zero' subtitle, the game is not a reboot but rather a fresh starting point for both longtime fans and newcomers. Get ready to experience the evolution of Dragon Ball in this exciting new release.
Inspiration from Dragon Ball FighterZ
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero's producer drew inspiration from the success of Dragon Ball FighterZ and its thriving esports community. Seeing the enjoyment players had in recreating iconic Dragon Ball battles in FighterZ, the producer wanted to deliver a similar experience in Sparking! Zero.
By observing the competitive scene of FighterZ, the team behind Sparking! Zero aimed to push the boundaries of immersion and intensity in the new game. The sleek anime-styled visuals and Unreal Engine 5 were chosen to enhance the player's experience and provide stunning graphical detail.
The Evolution of the Budokai Tenkaichi Series
Learn why Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero is not a reboot but a fresh starting point for both longtime fans and newcomers to the Budokai Tenkaichi series.
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero is not a reboot of the Budokai Tenkaichi series, but rather a new entry designed to be accessible to both longtime fans and newcomers. The game's title, 'Zero,' represents a fresh starting point for the series.
The producer, Jun Furutani, expressed the desire to deliver an 'evolved' Dragon Ball experience on next-gen systems. The success of the Budokai Tenkaichi series, particularly the third entry, which allowed players to recreate iconic moments and battles, served as inspiration for the new game.
Unreal Engine 5 and Immersive Gameplay
During the five-year development period, the decision was made to utilize Unreal Engine 5 for Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero. This choice allows for greater immersion and graphical detail, elevating the player's experience to new heights.
With the power of Unreal Engine 5, the game can render real-time collisions between characters and the environment. For example, when characters are attacked and collide with mountains or boulders, the environment reacts dynamically, adding to the overall realism of the battles.
A Fresh Starting Point for Newcomers
Despite the 'Zero' subtitle, Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero is not a daunting reboot but rather a welcoming starting point for newcomers. The game aims to provide an accessible and enjoyable experience for those who may be new to the Budokai Tenkaichi series.
Producer Jun Furutani wanted to capture the essence of the Dragon Ball FighterZ competitive scene, where players could immerse themselves in iconic battles. With Sparking! Zero, he aims to deliver a similar experience, allowing newcomers to dive into the world of Dragon Ball and enjoy epic battles right from the start.